Category Archives: Diet


Tonka and Lola have started what has become known as the “BARF” diet. Sounds gross, but it’s quite good. Amazingly good, actually. We humans should follow it’s principles, but most of us don’t… anyway “BARF” stands for “Bones And Raw Food”.

Basically, it’s the most natural way of eating. If dogs were out in nature, and still hunted like their cousins the wolves do, what would they eat? Whatever they could get their paws on! That would be the raw meat and bones of small prey, eggs, sprouting vegetation and fallen fruits.

Tonka and Lola have started their Raw Food diet, pictured here are chicken backs. And they LOVE it!

Tonka and Lola love their raw chicken and crunchy veggies! Lola especially likes carrots and hearts of lettuce. Tonka is more of a meat guy. 🙂 Tonka loves his new food so much that when he saw us taking it out of the fridge, he stood guard!

The benefits of a BARF diet: Raw food has “live” enzymes, protein, vitamins and minerals that are “burned” or “killed” when cooked. These nutrients are more easily consumed in their most natural state which leads to better nutrition.

He knows where we keep the chicken!!!

The proof? Shinier and softer coat, stronger immune system, solid musculature, more energy, cleaner teeth and no “dog breath”!
PLUS, the vet always praises them on their health! 🙂

For more information on the Raw Food Diet (BARF) click on the link to the right…

Tonka is 21 weeks old in this photo.