Tag Archives: 16 weeks old

Tonka’s New Friends

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Tonka and Lola took turns going to the park with PresaMama one afternoon. The idea was to bond with a leisurely stroll but….. the energetic kids at the playground had a different idea:



I was so impressed with how gentle they were with the little ones. It’s as if they know the difference between adults and kids! We played chase all around the park and through the basketball court… climbed on the jungle gym… Tonka even jumped off a couple of times! He only went down the slide once, though. Not his cup of tea, I imagine.

Two of the kids even learned how to properly walk Tonka on leash. Wow, they learn so fast – both doggie and kiddo!

The Perro de Presa Canario is truly a noble breed.

Tonka is 16 weeks old in these photos.

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

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Time to take those bandages off and BE FREEEEEEEE!!!!!

Tonka and Lola were finally reunited and inseparable!

They truly did everything together this week!

Tonka and Lola are 16 weeks old in these photos.